CI/CD for the database
Release database code the same way you release application code. Achieve true continuous integration and deployment for the database, seamlessly integrated with the rest of your DevOps processes.
What is CI/CD?
Before we jump into how Liquibase fits into the CI/CD process, let’s cover what we mean by CI/CD.
What is Continuous Integration (CI)?
Continuous integration is a DevOps software development practice where developers regularly merge their code changes into a central repository, after which automated builds and tests are run.

What is Continuous Deployment (CD)?
Continuous Deployment (CD) is a process that automates release of code to production once appropriate conditions are met.

CI/CD for databases using Liquibase
Liquibase allows you to create a trigger that updates the database automatically by pointing to the changelog file. From here, it makes it easy to integrate the process into your overall CI/CD process:
Push changeset files to changelog in Git repository
Execute your CI/CD workflow from your DevOps platform
CI/CD triggers Liquibase for database updates following workflows defined in LIquibase Flow Files
Liquibase executes Policy Checks to ensure changes match desired format, behavior, and policy
Liquibase automatically executes any new changelog files when checks successfully complete

CI/CD Expert Guide
CI/CD for Databases: A Guide for Bringing Database Changes into Your CI/CD Pipeline