Secure your database change pipelines
While adding databases to your DevOps process to automate processes will increase both speed and efficiency, it can also dramatically improve security by integrating it into every part of your development cycle.
Automate access control
Make sure you have a solid traceability history by using automated tools to retrieve credentials from repositories or “vaults”. Not only do we log the event itself, but also the triggering of the event and the contents of the change.

Maintain secure access
Liquibase works with secure password automation tools like HashiCorp Vault and Oracle Wallet. Many CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, UCD, Azure DevOps, and others allow for securely storing credentials and retrieving them at runtime.

Eliminate manual work
& reviews
Automating changes minimizes security vulnerabilities by eliminating manual reviews and manual rework of database changes. Ensure that only good, secure SQL changes get put into production to improve quality and while speeding up the overall flow through your pipeline.

Enforce rules
Liquibase offers Policy Checks for on-demand database code validation. Rules ensure database code is safe and compliant before it ever gets to production. Your team can process different types of rules and choose how you’d like the system to automatically handle them.

Protect against malware with drift detection
Detecting variances between the actual and expected states of your database quickly and reliably is important and incredibly helpful from a security standpoint. Liquibase can detect drift by using snapshots and diff functionality when set up in automation.

Detect differences automatically
Liquibase takes a snapshot after every database deployment, puts it in version control, and regularly compares your databases. You can set up alerts if the states of the databases don’t match so your team can promptly investigate potential issues.

Liquibase for DevSecOps
Liquibase makes database change automation easy so that database changes don’t become a bottleneck. Here are some examples of what Liquibase does to promote good DevSecOps practices:
Works with secure password
automation tools
Enables traceability of changes through versioned artifacts
Enables granular change management with changelogs and changesets
Uses metadata to control deployment behavior from automation tools with labels, contexts, and preconditions
Provides instant validation of database code based on rules set by your DBA and security teams