Enabling Developers to Deliver Quality Database Code

Learn about a faster process that’s more secure for reviewing and deploying database changes.

April 20, 2022

April 20, 2022

Our Panel of Experts

Pete Pickerill
Pete Pickerill
Co-Founder & Principal Product Strategist, Liquibase
Mario Champion
Mario Champion
Product Manager, Liquibase

Covered in this Webinar:

Ensure database standards and compliance requirements are met — every time.

Deploying database changes can be risky. One bad change can bring down a mission-critical application or compromise data security. As applications need to be delivered more frequently, teams need a faster process that’s more secure for reviewing and deploying database changes.

In this webinar, we’ll show you how Liquibase provides quality checks for database changes to remove uncertainty and empower DBAs to automate sets of rules and checks so developers write safe, compliant database code every time.

Covered in this Webinar

  • How DBAs can set up database change rules
  • How developers can validate their database code changes before committing them
  • How to set up database quality checks as a build step in automation
  • What’s next: New Liquibase database quality checks are on the way for even more automation to help DBAs focus on what’s most important

If you can't make the live discussion, register and we'll send you the slides and recording as soon as they're available.