Automating schemaless database migrations on Neo4j with Liquibase

No schema? No problem. Track, version, and execute graph database changes for powerful, flexible, and customized deployments.

@ 11:00 AM CT


Our Panel of Experts

Kevin Chappell
Kevin Chappell
Vice President of Community, Liquibase
Florent Biville
Florent Biville
Developer and Neo4j Extension Creator at Neo4j, Inc.

Covered in this Webinar:

Graph databases give you unparalleled flexibility that businesses love — but their schemaless nature can result in evolving data models that are challenging to manage.

Even without schemas, changes to the database structure and data transformations need to be managed and versioned. Neo4j users can use Liquibase to automate and track these changes, ensuring that they’re applied consistently across different environments.

Liquibase provides automated, secure, and compliant database change management, complete with advanced features to improve your observability, governance, and standardization across teams.

Join Liquibase’s VP of Strategic Partnerships Kevin Chappell and Neo4j’s Lead Developer Florent Biville as they discuss the benefits of automated database change management for graph databases. You’ll learn how to:

  • Track, version, deploy, and rollback database changes
  • Create consistent deployments that are customized for specific environments 
  • Seamlessly integrate Liquibase and Neo4j into your pipeline

Kevin and Florent will also share a live demo of the Neo4j plugin for Liquibase.

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