Automate MongoDB: Build Successful CI/CD in the Cloud

NoSQL doesn’t have to mean NoAUTOMATION and NoGOVERNANCE.

March 29, 2023

March 29, 2023

Our Panel of Experts

Adeel Malik
Adeel Malik
Principal Solutions Architect, Liquibase
Ethan Groves
Ethan Groves
Director Product Marketing, Liquibase
Jennifer Lewis
Jennifer Lewis
Sales Engineer, Liquibase

Covered in this Webinar:

Are you moving to the cloud? Having a seamless DevSecOps process in place is critical.

Manual database changes can lead to errors, downtime, and lost productivity. That's why automating database changes is crucial for success.

Whether you're just starting your cloud journey or looking to optimize your existing infrastructure, this webinar is a must-attend for any organization using MongoDB.

Learn how to build a successful CI/CD pipeline for your MongoDB cloud databases.

Our experts will guide you through the best practices for database automation, including how to:

  • Integrate MongoDB with your DevOps tools and processes
  • Use automation to ensure consistency and accuracy 
  • Implement CI/CD for faster and more reliable deployments