The Agile Database: Best Practices

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Agile development and DevOps practices are gaining mainstream adoption across the enterprise, resulting in shorter and shorter application release cycles. It’s what the business is demanding in order to stay competitive. But while developers have benefited from new development tools, innovation needed to create the continuous delivery database has lagged behind.

Please consider this white paper as a good resource to learn more about what Agile and continuous delivery mean for the database, common challenges faced by DBA teams in the move towards Agile and continuous delivery, and best practices DBAs can employ to support Agile and increase application release velocity. In this white paper you’ll learn:

  • How to automate database deployments in your existing delivery continuous delivery pipeline
  • Why versioning database changes in source code control is so important in Agile
  • How DBA teams can safely and reliably support increased velocity while reducing deployment risk and operating costs