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Deliver innovation to customers faster and more frequently.


Reduce outages, errors, and regressions without slowing down your developers.


Focus critical resources on more important priorities by automating tedious manual tasks.


Standardize database change processes, provide auditing and compliance, and guard your database against bad actors.

Standardize across over 60 databases

With the broadest coverage of SQL, NoSQL, and Data Warehouses, Liquibase can help securely accelerate change management across teams and data workloads.

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See why the database DevOps community trusts Liquibase

“Liquibase is much more powerful compared to Flyway since it is much more flexible in nature.”

Kunnath Rahul

Software Engineer

Enterprise Software Company

“Comparing Liquibase and Flyway, I found Liquibase to be easier to learn and faster to implement than Flyway. Liquibase is also more flexible than Flyway.”

Ming Li


Computer Software Company

“Liquibase has better options than Flyway software. Liquibase seems to have everything Flyway has and more flexibility when it comes to rollbacks.”


Software Engineer

Enterprise Software Company